Saturday 29 December 2012

Current Locations used:

We have currently filmed some shots for our opening title sequence for Call Me... Mr Teddy.
The current locations was simple to organise as they were all accessible within school hours as, they was on the school premises and this was evidently a good decision to film here as, it meant that we could re-shoot if the footage was not good enough or keep that sense of continuity that was needed.

 Currently, we have shot the "bird pooling" scene which formed one of the names of cast on the shoulder .This was shot by the back of a wall which meant that we had this sense of a building behind almost replicating the city life in which a spy is in. We shot the scene twice and were rather content that the second shot was to the best of our ability and kept tis impression in which we wanted in our film.
We have also filmed the first shots of our opening title sequence which was rather simplistic but, in terms of props was rather much a replica of the office. Once, again we had to find the location as a group as the office was not planned but, we did have the idea. We set up the office as, a group all contributing with props although; Louise did supply the majority of props as it is her assigned role. The filming was consistent and we decided internally that it would be the best decision if we filmed multiple takes just incise one shot was out of focus or not keeping to the continuity which would be more evident on the uploading process.

In terms of my contribution with the above I gave the idea of the location of the office located in our school as well as helped with placement of props when specifically told too by the assigned manager.
We do also have many more locations in which need to be organised, this might be why we have only filmed what we can and what was accessible first. We need to organise the location of the pond science as well as the water gun scene which has been planned to be shot with the upcoming weeks.

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