Sunday 16 December 2012

Typography analysis

Seven-                                                                                                                                                                                            -Distorted font- child’s writing-Looks like irregular hand writing                                                                   -Small writing re-illiterates that thematics of secrecy and a hidden identity.                                             -The font appears like flashes of light indicating that a sense of equilibrium is lost.                                  -Its suggestive of a medical illness- Nothing is still? Mentality is questionable.                                           -Looks like it has been etched in- something unplesant and sharp indicating murder and suspicon.
Lords of War-                                                                                                                                                                                   -Bullet is our point of view.                                                                                                                                   -The font replicates a regiment in an army such as the sign.                                                                          -The bullets movement hints a foreshadowing of text.                                                                                    -The narrative is suggestive - war and trading of weaponry of destruction.                                               -Subtle integration of text and the visual imagery.                                                                                           -Font is small in the frame suggesting the narrative is the highlighted aspect.                                            -''Soviet'' Russian style (symbolism). Military based certainly not suggesting the film is humourous in the narratve.
Forest Gump-                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                -Classic font suggesting that the film is timeless.                                                                                               -Serif font- subtle white and middle of the screen meaning that it is easy to focus upon especially with the Hollywood greats; ''Tom Hanks''.                                                                                                         -Typography replicated a school report.                                                                                                             -The white font indicates a sense of purity and clinical approach to life. This is referenced with the foocal point of a feather and the way that it glieded through the air. It also had this impression through the layout of the suitcase as, it looked very organised and suggested the protagonist may have a form of ''ocd''.

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