Sunday 30 December 2012

The two main types of font

There are two main types of fonts and we discussed them within a lesson.
They consist of ; Serif and Sans serif.

The two main types of font are highly endorsed within the handrwriting world but, within technology the main type or more rather the font in which is largely incorporated is Serif.

Serif is basically Sans serif with decorative ends onto the bottom of the lettering which is used to add a sense of decoration to the handwriting making it look rather italic. The sense of making the font look italic makes it look more sophisticated as well as professional.

Within technology it is evident that Serif is commonly used; this is evident on this font and this font is automatically the preferrence. The image belows shows in imagery what is meant by the discription above:

 The image to the left basically showss the difference between the fonts and how they are peceived by us the consumer, it clearly shows that Sans Serif is less rounded and has this sense of geometric lines overlapping eachother to actually create lettering. But, serif has the more professional look which would have dated back when italic was endorsed. The fonts are usually used in the main type of font colour which is black.

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