Thursday 10 January 2013

Regular order of the opening title sequences

Opening title sequences

Usual order of the titles: I for my own research today tried to find out the regular orders of the opening title sequence of films, I will then once research brief my findings to the group and ask our director (Nicola) and check if the usual concept has been applied to us in which i am sure the director already has. This will help us to fit the market and make the link of recognition to films already produced. Which will hopefully help the audience to see us as recognised in the filming industry as; we need to the best of our ability replicate what our film studio produces so that it is believable that they would distribute our work?

The regular order of opening title sequences is:

-First of all, is the NAME OF THE STUDIO producing or distributing the film.Name of PRODUCTION COMPANY or companies with major impact.The PRODUCER or PRODUCTION.THE STARRING ACTORS AND OR/ ACTRESSES-FILMS TITLE. So, the actual name of the film. Possibly FEATURES. CASTING. MUSIC.-PRODUCTION OR PRODUCTOIN DESIGNER.

Whilst, conducting my research I also found that some titles do add other details such as: influenced by the life of someone, based on a true story, hairdresser, make-up artist etc. so, we will consider whether adding this detail is of relevance. Philosophically, I do not feel that they are as they are used minimally in this industry anyway.

The research conducted will help the group as it means that our work will replicate a professional made opening title sequence and this will give the impression that a professional company made it giving it more credibility.

The image above which i sourced off of google shows also what order the opening title sequences go in and will possibly in the future be a point of reference to check that all the titles are in comparison.

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